I Am

I am Consciousness seeking to know thyself

I am that which exists to know

To create, to affirm its very being

Pervading every atom, every thought, every story.

I am Awareness, a focal eye aimed inwards

Until all of life in its majesty

Dissolves of a white light

Reason, logic, and all the histories

Left to waste at the tragic simplicity:

My power is not my might

I am Consciousness craving to just be

I am the I at the center;

Creator of my reality.

This place in each of us where we know God

Where we feel in our bones

And the very fabric of our soul

This energy, this undying Truth

Of I knowing thyself

Of reality in all its exalted permutations

Experiencing neither good nor bad

Stripped of positionalities

Certain only in life’s uncertainty

This universal, continuous manifestation of what is

Here and now, I am Consciousness.

May all relax, breathe, and allow

The word, the hand, the energy of the Divine

To be here as you are

Not wanting to change for sake of wrong or right

Experiencing yourself as infinite sublime

Gloria in excelsis Deo

May all surrender into the light.

I am all that I am. I am all that is real.


From the Depths


Fragments of the Divine