Entrepreneur, writer, spiritual guide
Guiding creators to greater joy, peace, and purpose at the intersection of science and spirituality
Recent Writings

Burning Man 2023
Rooting Into Me

The Last Bastion of Life
Within this ceremony, I slowed my breathing down and knew that I could slow my heart beat down. I knew I could will myself to die. I was surrendering and surrendering and finally arrived at a place where I could surrender my life. The experience of this was fascinating. I observed this potentiality and did not feel fear. Instead, I felt clarity: this is the void in which I am nothing, I am nobody, and it felt like infinite peace.

The Essence of I
I clarified the essence of me, the inner sensation of my soul, through the first of three ayahuasca journeys last week. My creations in reality are projections of this inner clarity and I get to harness my Inner Power to share the art of me with the world.

From the Shadow into the Light
The deeper I go down the Inner Journey, the more that I see just how simple and more reduced it becomes. It’s all about feeling, embodying, and being Love.

Unifying the Mind, Body, and Spirit

The Golden Arrow of Choiceless Clarity
My Ten Year Vision
A Prayer for Love
A letter to my wife on love and Oneness
Anger Deserves Energy
It is not enough to Be Love. I also get to not Be Fear.

Peeling back these layers of my inner truth
I am honored to share a beautifully crafted Meditative Story podcast where I read my letters to hundreds of thousands of subscribers. If you have a moment of quiet, please have a listen.
Dear Mom & my wife, on Creating My Reality
A love letter to my mother and my wife exposing how I create my reality and manifest opportunities to heal

Dear Mama, Suffering is an Opportunity to Heal
A love letter to my mother where I share that we create suffering to give our souls an opportunity to heal
Dear Baobei, on Embodying Love
A love letter in reflection where I commit to loving you unconditionally in the present, not attempting to control our future

2021 in Reflection
An end of year reflection full of gratitude and purpose
Dear Baobei, How I Feel on NYE
A letter of raw feelings after a heart-wrenching conflict between the two women I love the most: my wife and mother.

Dear Brandon, on Humility and Service
An open letter to Brandon, the founder of 1Heart, reflecting on my path of service and humility

My Father’s Legacy
A story about tracing aspects of my being to my father, who has since passed

Finding My Mother Waiting For Me
This is a story of guiding my mother through psychedelic therapy and realizing that she had been waiting for me all along

Pura Vida
A poetic reflection after living six months in Costa Rica while the world quarantined